One-stop e-resources bank for Mathematics
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Dec 2019 ‘MC Primary Mathematics’ Conference NEW Activity highlights
Nov to Dec 2019 Workshop 
‘New Curriculum Transition KS2’
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Jun 2019 Workshop 
 ‘New Curriculum Transition
Activity highlights
Mar 2019 Seminar
MC Primary Mathematics New Textbook Conference
Activity highlights
Jan 2019 Seminar
E-learning in Mathematics
Activity highlights
Nov to Dec 2018

Regional Workshop Phase 3

Learning and Teaching Strategies
Activity highlights
May to Jun 2018

Regional Workshop Phase 2

Implementation and Transition
Activity highlights

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Mar 2018


Ready for the New Curriculum
Activity highlights
Dec 2017 to Jan 2018

Regional Workshop Phase 1

Analysis and Comparison
Activity highlights

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Regional Workshop Phase 1
Analysis and Comparison
Project Link
All Strands (KS1) Download
Number Strand (KS1) – Distribution
Number Strand (KS1) – Analysis
Measures Strand (KS1) – Distribution
Measures Strand (KS1) – Analysis
Shape and Space Strand (KS1) – Distribution
Shape and Space Strand (KS1) – Analysis
Data Handling Strand (KS1) – Distribution
Data Handling Strand (KS1) – Analysis
Regional Workshop Phase 2
Implementation and Transition
Project Link
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Recommended implementation timeline for the revised curriculum by EDB
Pupils affected by the transitional arrangements
The major changes in the Key Stage 1
Transitional Programme 1  (Suggested)
(for primary 2 to 4)
Transitional Programme 2
(for primary 4 to 5, with the recommendation of EDB)
Transitional Worksheets
學習重點 教師版 學生版
All worksheets (Sorted by Transitional Programme 1) Download
Perform counting in groups of 20 and 25 Download


Recognise the concepts of points and lines Download


Recognise the concept of line segments Download


Discover that the commutative property does not hold for subtraction Download


Perform counting in groups of 200 and 250 Download


Recognise the concept of adjacent sides Download


Use ‘between’ to describe relative positions of objects Download


Discover that the commutative property does not hold for division Download


Find the starting time of an activity Download Download
Use set squares to draw perpendicular lines, and recognise the concept of distance from a point to a straight line Download Download
Recognise the associative property of addition, and use the commutative and associative properties of addition to speed up the operations Download Download
Recognise the relations between different types of triangles Download Download
Recognise the relations between the sides of triangles Download Download
Recognise the concept of equivalent fractions Download Download
Solve problems involving addition with the same denominator presented mainly by diagrams Download Download
Solve problems involving subtraction with the same denominator presented mainly by diagrams Download Download
Discover that the associative property does not hold for division Download Download
Recognise the concept and property of trapeziums Download Download
Recognise and interpret bar charts using the one-to-one, one-to-two or one-to-five representations Download Download
Construct bar charts using the one-to-one, one-to-two or one-to-five representations Download Download
Supplementary Teaching Programme and Materials for the new curriculum in primary 1
學習重點 教師版 學生版
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Supplementary teaching programme for New Primary Mathematics Primary 1 Download
Remarks to Primary 1 of the new syllabus Download
List of worksheets Download
Supplementary worksheet 1: Position Download Download
Supplementary worksheet 1-E: Position Download Download
Supplementary worksheet 2: Points and lines Download Download
Supplementary worksheet 3: Property of subtraction Download Download
Supplementary worksheet 4: 3-D shapes Download Download
Supplementary worksheet 4-E: 3-D shapes Download Download
Supplementary worksheet 5: Property of addition Download Download
Supplementary worksheet 6: Hours Download Download
Supplementary worksheet 6-E: Hours Download Download
Supplementary worksheet 7: Enrichment topics (Simple Sudoku, sorting methods) Download Download